Some words you cannot say when you date with bisexual

Some words you cannot say when you date with bisexual


Bisexual means a person who is sexually attracted to both woman and man. The feeling is just like man who are enjoying smoking and drinking. I knew there are still some people who are biased toward bisexuality. With the more and more bisexual come out. You should know that there are some words you cannot say when you stay with bisexual friends. Hurt somebody not a good idea to keep the friendship. Maybe you will say, you have no idea with how to get along with bisexuals. Now, there are some tips for you to avoid embarrassment when you talk with bisexual friends.

Firstly, we should not say some words which are hurt someone. So that we should remember some words cannot be said if you do not lose the friends.

For bisexual woman and bisexual man, there are many misunderstanding to hurt them. But you, as a friend, you cannot hurt them anymore. They will appreciate you for protecting their feelings. So, which words we cannot say when we chat with bisexuals.

1.Bisexuals spread STD.

From straight point of view, no matter bisexual woman or bisexual man, they always have sex with both male and female. For gay, due to the way of sex, the risk of suffering from STD is very large. For straight, there is also a certain degree of probability. So, absolutely, bisexuality easier to spread STD. because they relationship on sex are more complex.

As bisexual, we choose our every sex partner carefully, we also fear STDs and more. Everybody wants to stay away from every STDs. And we know about that it is easy to infect HIV or herpes without taking measures. We know how important condoms are. Many of us have a healthy sex life. And as bisexuals, we always pay more attention to our body. We do health check-up on time. Due to it is possible for us to fall in love with both woman and man so that we have to do something when we have dating with others. Do not worry about our health. We all be fine.

2.Bisexuals are liar, cannot believe their promise.

Excuse me? Liar? I am sorry. I cannot understand the words. Let me guess. Maybe someone think that there are many lies on straight group, especially when we are in relationship. This situation only limited in the relationship of heterosexual attraction. If in the relationship of bisexuality, no matter woman or man, bisexuals may be attracted to each person. There would be more liars.

It’s necessary to explain the situation, to avoid more people make such a decision. As a bi woman, in my opinion, compared bisexual woman with straight woman, if we could choose a person to love, bi woman has more chance to choose (including woman and man). For straight, she only can to choose man. But it is not means that we want more people to date. That’s the point.

From two people’s feelings, I more like to say some word what I have seen. Not only in straight relationship, but also with gay and bisexual relationship. When someone told you she/he will love you forever, that’s true. And why they broken up after several moths or years. Because of the heart has changed. When he said he love you forever, that’s really what he thought, just with the time over and over, he lost the feeling that he loved you. Is this a lie?

3.Bisexuality is for threesome, they are sexually greedy.

When I first heard the words, I am so sad. I do not deny this view. There must be someone enjoy in threesome relationship, maybe some of them are bisexuality, some of them are bi-curious, or straight. I do not judge them. I only want to say something about my bisexual friends. I have joined some bisexual club online or offline. And talked with some of them about relationship and sex experiences. Many of them only has one lover, when they fall in love with someone, they will have no feelings with others. Not even have sex with others.

At the same time, there are some bi couples enjoying looking for 3some relationship. That’s based on the both wife and husband will join in the relationship, they trust each other and enjoy this. By nature, bi couples dating is different from threesome dating. Threesome dating has more adventurous spirit.

4.The number of bisexuality is very few.

Compared with straight people, at present, the number of bisexual is obviously lower than straight. I have tried to find some survey data, but they are too long to be used as current reference value. From Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google+,and any other social network, such as bisexual dating site, we know about that still many bisexual group and users. And there is a saying for closing to 30% of Americans think that same sex sexual behavior should be illegal. I think, there must be many bisexuals still live in straight group or gay group instead of come out as bisexuality.

5.I know you will get over it and choose one sex finally.

As bisexual, I will fall in love with someone and get married with my lover finally, and now, I have no idea we will fall in love with a woman or a man. It depends on the feelings of my lover and me. Only I can say is that when I get married with someone, it doesn’t mean that I get over it, bisexuality is not a disease, sexual orientation does not ever need to get over. I will choose one just like a straight man will choose a girl who he loves so that he should give up other girls love.

6.When you date with same sex, you are gay. When you date with another sex people, you are straight, that’s right?

Maybe they think so before they do not know who I am. In my heart, I always define myself to a bi, no matter I hook up woman or man. If you know about a bisexual, you will find that the distinction between genders is less important.


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